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Items That Should Be Bought Cheap

As we all try to tighten our belts right now, i return once more to the topic of food. Because we all have our favourite items and our favourite brands. But often we are paying extra money for things we don’t need to. I took a look at food that should be bought cheap.

First Of All – The Issue Of Branding

Many people may not know this, but many branded items are made in the same factory as supermarket’s own brand items that are half the price or less. In fact they are often the same item with a different label!

Items That Should Be Bought Cheap – Bread

Yes, avoid the super cheap stuff, and any that is filled with additives and bleaching agents. But the most expensive breads are not necessarily the nicest. 


Chefs will tell you that you do not need fresh pasta. Dry pasta is just fine and is of course better value by a long way.

Items That Should Be Bought Cheap – Meat Cuts

Often the cheapest cuts are the tastiest cuts, but are cheaper because they can be fatty. Think of chicken thighs for example, which are much tastier than chicken breasts. And also cuts from a cow follow similar principle – try flank if you have not previously.


Washing Up Liquid

Let’s be honest, they all do the same job. They have suds and they wash grease and dirt off plates. There is little reason to buy the most expensive branded names. What is certainly worth doing is purchasing the bigger bottles, as this is one item you get better value for money with when buying in bulk.

Items That Should Be Bought Cheap – Bin Bags

Now there are the very cheap bags that should be avoided as they will fall apart as soon as you lift them out the bin, but that apart, there is no need to go premium with bin bags. Normal priced bags perform the same function, and there is no overwhelming need for handles or other optional extras.


I admit i spent a lot on my toaster. It was part of a matching set with my kettle, is retro style and looks great. But that apart, i could have purchased a toaster for ten pounds that performed to the same standard. All toasters toast bread. Doesn’t matter how much they cost. If they work they do the same thing. 


When writing notes at home, i got tired of pens running out. So now i simply use pencils. They last nearly forever, and just need sharpening occasionally. And needless to say, they are super cheap. 

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