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Ways To Reduce Food Waste

I am back on a favourite topic of mine – food! But what i wish to discuss this time is something i have mentioned before, but needs a new analysis. That is, ways to reduce food waste. In these difficult times, it is more important than ever, not just for financial reasons, but for environmental reasons too. Here’s what you can do to help.

Ways To Reduce Food Waste – Read Your Labels

I am so, so bad at this. I need to practice what i preach. Often i have to throw out food because i have not planned my cooking competently. You must understand the shelf life of the food you buy. That way you can plan and use the food in the correct order. That way you use everything you buy. Pay closest attention to the fresh food, and use your freezer for food you will not be able to use before it goers out of date. I like to keep a buffer zone on dates too. I do not like using food on the day it is due to go out of date, but at least a day earlier. As always though, use sight and smell to ascertain if food is suitable to eat. Food should be fine past its use by date. But do you want to take the risk? With meat and fish, i am more cautious. 


Remember that some products may display a sell by date. This is not the same as a use by date. This is the date supermarkets need to sell a product by, meaning it will still be ok to eat for some time after. For how long depends on the product itself. 


The majority of food waste in the UK is down to incorrect storage of food. Storing fruit and vegetables incorrectly can shorten their lifespan. Fruits for example may ripen a lot quicker. Packaged goods will inform you how to store them. Many vegetables such as onions and garlic do not need to be stored in a fridge. 

Ways To Reduce Food Waste – Don’t Be A Food Snob

There is a way to be efficient with food and save money too. to make your money go much further. and that is to buy imperfect food. There is a sad obsession with supermarkets and elsewhere that all food must look perfect. Thankfully the tide is turning, and many food outlets now sell rough and ready fruit and veg at a cheaper price. The food is perfectly edible. After all, what does it matter if the peel of a potato is bruised in places? 

Ways To Reduce Food Waste – Organise The Fridge And Freezer

I do not have a big fridge of freezer, yet regularly i still forget about items hiding near the back. Eventually i spot them and have to throw them out. You need to ensure that you organise your space well, and know what is in there. That way your planning of meals becomes a lot easier. 

Keep An Eye On Tins

Tins obviously have a much longer life, but do not assume they last forever, as i occasionally discover to my cost! I have had to throw out tins that are years out of date. A good idea is to plan meals not due to what you fancy that week, but around what you already have. Work your way through your food cupboard and devise meals around what you have, thus avoiding waste.

Efficient Cooking

Make the most of what food you have. Use everything. Cook in bulk so that you get value for money. Also, have a hard day at work, a pre-cooked meal in your freezer may prevent you using a takeaway instead when you just want to relax. But use your short life items first, freeze foods and remember that even bones of animals have uses – such as for stock. If you have a garden, then composting your food waste is also an option. It is a path to growing your own food, saving a huge amount of cash.


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