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How To Save Water

With drought conditions imminent in the UK, we thought it a good time to look at how to save water.


When washing fruit, vegetables, or dishes, use a bowl in the sink. The waste water can then be used to water your plants. as for quenching a thirst, for times when you want a chilly drink, fill a jug with water and store it in the refrigerator.

How To Save Water – Teeth

After brushing your teeth, shut off the faucet. Up to nine litres of water are used per minute by a running tap.

Washing & Cleaning

Don’t use your washing machine or dishwasher until you have a full load. Modern dishwashers can use as low as 10 to 15 litres of water per cycle, while some new washing machines use less than seven litres of water for every kilogramme of laundry.
Instead of taking a bath, try to take a shower. About 40 litres of water are used during a five-minute shower. This is roughly equivalent to the size of a typical bath.

How To Save Water – Other Ideas

Put a water-saving gadget in the cistern of your toilet. Every time you flush the toilet, you could save one to three litres of water depending on the size of your cistern.
irrigating the garden using a watering can as opposed to a sprinkler or hose. 500 to 1,000 litres of water per hour might be used by garden sprinklers and hoses that are left running.
Consider installing a water butt to catch rainfall from your roof. 200 litres of water can typically be stored in a water butt. Using rainwater in the garden minimises the quantity of treated water you need and is beneficial for your plants.
Finally, regularly examine your home for leaks in the interior plumbing.

Water Meters

All of these suggestions could help you lower your water and sewerage rates if you have a water metre.

Your gas and energy costs will go down even if you don’t have a metre by conserving water and using less hot water. Additionally, you’ll release fewer greenhouse gases into the world as a result.

The greenhouse gases that are created during the process of gathering, cleaning, and distributing clean water can be reduced by using less water.


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