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Make Your Home Smarter

Starting a smart home doesn’t have to break the bank. These budget-friendly buys will get you on the way to a smarter home in no time. Make your home smarter and reap the rewards.


Smart plugs are a smart home’s secret weapon. With a good smart plug, you can schedule, randomise and automate nearly any object that plugs into a standard wall outlet.  I use such plugs to time when lights go on and off, which is especially helpful with the fish tank!

Remote Control your Heating

There are a number of products available in the UK that allow you to control your heating whilst you are out of the house. This can be achieved via the internet or via smartphone apps. What’s more, they usually work with your existing system, so you won’t necessarily need to change supplier.

Make Your Home Smarter – Go Wireless

Whether you are charging a phone, you are receiving a TV signal, or are streaming music around your house, you can now do it wirelessly. Wireless connections have even been integrated into furniture. Will we eventually see wires removed for good?!

Make Your Home Smarter – Safety & Security

Your safety and security can now be incorporated into one system. This system will monitor smoke and carbon monoxide. You check readings via an app when away from the house.

Smart Televisions

A smart television is an easy point of entry into the world of smart devices, and the set-up only takes a few minutes. These TVs will connect to your Wi-Fi, allowing you to download apps and streaming services right to your set. This capability all but eliminates the need to buy expensive accessories for streaming content. This is because the operating system is built right into the TV itself. All you’ll really need to do is punch in your Wi-Fi password and download some apps. Then you’re good to go. This is an obvious starting point if you are looking to make your home smarter.

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