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More Writing Tips

After our last blog, we thought there was more to say about producing good content. So with that in mind, here are some more writing tips.

AI Programs?

This will split opinion, big-time. Many think of such programs as a cancer on writing. But it depends what your writing sets out to achieve. If you write opinion pieces, then this is not for you. You need to connect with readers, at a human level. However, if you produce large amounts of SEO content to get a site up the search engine rankings, then this is a tool that could assist you. 

Evidence-Based Writing

It’s easy to fall into the trap of writing in broad strokes. Especially if you need to cover a lot of ground in a short period of time. Specificity, on the other hand, will always triumph against generalisation. Your writing will be stronger and more enticing if you can be more particular with your examples, anecdotes, and descriptions.
This is extremely crucial when selling your ideas or persuading people to agree with you. Concrete proof is more likely to persuade your audience than abstract arguments.
Make sure to use concrete examples whenever feasible the next time you’re writing something. It’ll astound you how much of a difference it makes. Using specifics gives your work additional depth and nuance, making it more fascinating and memorable to your audience.

More Writing Tips – Utilise Expertise

You can’t rely on yourself to know everything while building an argument. Expert perspectives, in addition to mentioning figures and numbers, can help strengthen your argument and provide your readers a deeper grasp of the subject. It’s also a good method to give your primary points more weight.
Don’t be afraid to ask experts for their thoughts on a topic they know a lot about. It can only help you improve your writing.

More Writing Tips – Hook Your Audience

Without hooks, writing may become tedious and uninteresting, which is the last thing you want. You’re certainly aware of the importance of including a hook in your introduction paragraph to pique your audience’s interest right away. However, as your piece progresses, adding hooks to each part can maintain the impression.
Here are some pointers on how to implement hooks:
Start each paragraph with a powerful statement or a question.
Make use of fascinating facts or figures.
Consider posing a rhetorical inquiry.
Make a metaphor or analogy.
Use a renowned or fascinating person as a source of inspiration.
Include a personal tale or story.

There’s a reason novels, articles, and other types of writing are usually separated into sections: it keeps the reader interested. By including hooks in each paragraph or subsection, you ensure that your readers will read all the way to the finish.
Of course, this does not preclude the use of hooks in a few longer parts. Just make sure to include them where it’s most appropriate.

Sentence Structure

Your work will be more fascinating if you use a variety of sentence structures. Why? Because it gives your thoughts more rhythm, individuality, and dimension. All of these factors work together to keep your audience interested.
As a result, you’ll be able to write something that’s both fun to read and memorable. Experiment with sentence length and formatting as you write. When it comes to conveying your message, brevity can be just as effective as length. When you need to cram a lot of information into a small space, concise phrases are often the best option.

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