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Lifestyle Changes That Will Save You Money

In times of austerity we all look for ways to make our money go further. For those that live on a tight budget, the need is even greater. Moolr have looked before at ways to budget and drop unnecessary costs, but felt there was more ways we had yet to mention. Thus we present some lifestyle changes that will save you money.

Spend at the end of the month

If you make considerable purchases in-store, it may be advised to wait until the end of the month. This is because. sales staff may have quotas to meet, and may be desperate for sales. Thus they may be open to bartering and applying discounts. Stores often have to move stock on too, so it’s a good time to pounce. Other methods include waiting for sale periods if the purchase is not urgent. And if you shop online, exit a site with the basket loaded, and wait. The supplier will often contact you asking why you did not complete the purchase. Often they will offer a discount to persuade you.

Lifestyle Changes That Will Save You Money – Make drinks at home

It still astonishes me how much it can cost to purchase a cup of coffee or even worse a cup of tea whilst out and about. If you are a regular purchaser, the cost can really build up. So consider making such drinks at home, for a fraction of the price. Use a flask to drink outside your home. Avoid other exorbitant drinks too like bottled water of fruit juices. Use a filter at home if you do not like your tap water taste. It will pay for itself in the long run.

Track your spending with an app

There are lots of different apps available now to show you how much you spend and where most of your money goes. Find one that brings together all your financial information so that you can see clearly what is coming on and going out of your accounts. Alternatively set up your own spreadsheet on your computer and use that. Doing this will help you isolate unnecessary spending and clarify where savings can be made. 

Lifestyle Changes That Will Save You Money – Make your own food

It is always cheaper to prepare your own lunches than buy from a shop. It also cheaper to cook your own meals from scratch rather than buying a ready meal or using tins and jars. Buy fruit and vegetables loose rather than paying a premium to have them prepackaged. Cook in bulk and freeze leftovers.

Lifestyle Changes That Will Save You Money – Ensure you are hydrated

Many people frequently mistake thirst for hunger. The senasation is surprisingly very similar. To prevent afternoon snacking, ensure you are hydrated throughout the day.  

Shop around

From your internet provider to the energy company you use and the business that you bank with, it’s always worth asking if they can reduce the cost of your services. Threaten to leave and they almost certainly will. 

Reduce the brightness on all your screens

From smart phone to laptop and desktop, you can reduce the screen glare to help save cash. Saving on energy saves you money too, as well as being better for the environment. With mobile phones, it means fewer charges.

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