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Creative Ways To Save Money

We took a look at some creative ways to save money, with many struggling to make ends meet.

Create a budget and stick to it.

Budgeting is essential if you need to make your money go a long way. It will tell you of things you may not know you are spending cash on. It will help you be more efficient with your earnings. And you can plan for the future knowing your current situation in detail.

Cut unnecessary expenses, such as subscriptions or memberships you don’t use.

I reckon we all have unnecessary costs each month. Laziness or just ignorance stops us doing anything about it. Or the deluded idea that we will make use of these subscriptions at some point. And so the costs keep mounting up, with no return. So be forensic, and remove all subscriptions you don’t use. You can always rejoin at a alter date if necessary.

Creative Ways To Save Money – Use coupons and discounts when shopping

You can save a fortune using vouchers, offers and the like. Just ensure that you buy stuff you were going to anyway. That way you really benefit. Many supermarkets give vouchers out at the check out. Then there are loyalty cards, and their various benefits.

Cook meals at home instead of eating out

I cannot exaggerate the benefits of being able to cook. It will mean a heathier lifestyle, the satisfaction of making your own food, and will save you a fortune. A cost-effective way to cook is to batch cook, and freeze anything you can’t eat in the short-term.

Creative Ways To Save money – Find free or low-cost entertainment options

It is possible to have fun for free! Not everything has to come with a cost. Always check local noticeboards and see what is happening in your locality. Or pick up a good book. It’s easy to get them for free too.

Take public transportation or carpool instead of driving

The price of petrol has made it as important as ever to cut transport costs as much as possible. Travel in a group, travel off-peak, and walk where you can. 

Save on electricity by using energy-efficient appliances and turning off lights when not in use

An important consideration right now, for sure. Try to use items like washing machines when at the times of the day when charges are lower. Think about how you use your energy, and cut out waste. Heat just where you spend most of your time.

Creative Ways To Save Money – Haggle

Phone up Sky and threaten to cancel. You’ll soon see some savings! There are many areas in life where you can haggle on cost – or just me more thrifty and frugal, with little sacrifice.

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