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Increase Your Morning Productivity

I get up quite early. I feel guilty since I know I should start working right away and not squander time. least not during the week. But when working from home, it can be challenging to feel motivated right away. I then examined the factors that have contributed to my success. Here are some on how to increase your morning productivity.

Earlier Start?

I usually have to get up early to take care of a dog, but I have an alarm on my phone. That phone is constantly within reach, just like many other devices. And it really shouldn’t be. You have to get up to switch off your alarm clock when you move it out of your line of sight. This aids in your ascent. Don’t use the snooze button either. Plan when you want to wake up and set your alarm. Give yourself a few minutes to recover, and then stand up. A snooze button serves no purpose. Set your alarm for a later time if you don’t need to get up right away.

Different Alerts

By frequently altering your alarm tone, it should help you keep things interesting. You risk developing an intolerance to a sound if you consistently play it. If you are a heavy sleeper, you have a higher chance of sleeping through it as well. Sadly, not something I need to be concerned about! You don’t have to manually adjust the alarm every day because most alarms allow you to send several tones for each day of the week.

Other Alarm Tricks

If you absolutely must have a nap before waking up, try creating a riddle for yourself. It doesn’t take a sophisticated understanding of science to understand that the longer your alert is on, the more conscious you will become. Try to make your alarm difficult to kill. Perhaps by concealing it under the sink or the bed. Or, even better, you can force yourself to solve a puzzle in order to turn it off. Try putting your alert in a combination-bolted box and forcing yourself to mingle with it to silence it – it’s annoying, but quite effective!

Stick To A Routine

If you get up at the same time every day, getting up early will be simpler. It enables you to adjust your lifestyle and your body clock so that you receive an appropriate amount of sleep. Everybody’s days are the same length. So, unless you go to bed too late, getting up early shouldn’t be too difficult. Only you can determine how much sleep you need to get in order to be effective and prevent exhaustion and lethargy during the day.

Morning Productivity – Power Naps

There is a tonne of proof that the human body is designed huge go through two cycles of sleep every 24 hours. It is a normal cycle that occurs in your body. Therefore, do not be ashamed to do so if you feel that adopting a Mediterranean mentality and taking a power sleep in the afternoon benefits you. Choose a course of action that will maximise your productivity.

Morning Productivity – Have Purpose

Make sure you have a clear motivation for rising early. Plan out your day’s activities and choose the order in which you should do them. If you have a lot going on, this will keep you from becoming anxious. For myself, I have a system that incorporates starting with the tedious tasks. This is due to the fact that when I initially wake up, I am most aware and productive. And when I’m sitting down with my computer on and a cup of coffee in my hand. As a result, I find it simpler to endure through the difficult tasks at that time. And getting them out of the way feels nice.

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