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Keys To Creative Thinking – Part 1

Creative thinking is the ability to come up with innovative and novel ideas, solutions, and insights. Here are some key principles and techniques to to crack the keys to creative thinking.


Be receptive to new ideas and different perspectives. Avoid being overly critical or dismissive of unconventional thoughts. Team think can be very productive indeed.


Cultivate a natural curiosity and a desire to explore and learn about a wide range of subjects.

Divergent thinking

Encourage the generation of multiple solutions or ideas, even if they seem unrelated or unorthodox.

Keys To Creative Thinking – Question assumptions

Challenge conventional wisdom and question the assumptions underlying a problem or situation.

Problem-solving mindset

View challenges as opportunities for creative problem-solving rather than obstacles.

Cross-disciplinary knowledge

Draw on insights and techniques from various fields to inspire creative solutions.

Mindfulness and awareness

Pay attention to your surroundings and your inner thoughts, as this can spark creative ideas.

Keys To Creative Thinking – Brainstorming

Engage in structured brainstorming sessions where you or a group generate a multitude of ideas without judgment.

Mind mapping

Create visual representations of concepts or problems to reveal new connections and perspectives. Looking at things from a different perspective can make all the difference. It may cause you to find solutions that you did not knew previously existed.

Keys To Creative Thinking – Analogical thinking

Compare the problem at hand to unrelated concepts or situations, looking for similarities that can inspire creative solutions.

Play and experimentation

Approach problems with a playful, experimental mindset, encouraging risk-taking and exploration. See where this takes you, as the results may surprise you, in a good way!


Remember that creative thinking is a skill that can be developed with practice. The more you incorporate these principles into your thinking process, the more creative and innovative you will become. It’s also important to stay patient and persistent, as creative breakthroughs may not come immediately.

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