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Lower Your Energy Bills

The energy price cap, which the authorities currently set at £1,971, is expected to rise to roughly £3,582 in October and then above £4,200 in January, according to grim warnings given to households. Unplugging anything that is not absolutely required, using fans sparingly, and keeping windows closed during a heat wave are all very minor modifications that could add up to big savings over the course of a year. We look at how to lower your energy bills.

Lower Your Energy Bills – Unplug

Every power outlet in a household should now have through a thorough inspection. Unplug anything that is not required. Get in the habit of turning off standby mode on all electronic gadgets.
According to the Energy Saving Trust, simply remembering to switch off your appliances’ standby mode can result in annual savings of about £55 for you.

You can unplug the majority of electrical equipment without affecting their programming. Consider purchasing a standby saver or smart plug that enables you to turn off all of your appliances’ standby functions at once.

If you have any questions about any appliances, check the instructions. Some recorders for digital and satellite TV recorders necessitate you to leave them plugged in in order to record any shows you want to.


According to a recent assessment by the Heating and Hot Water Council, home owners can reduce their gas consumption by as much as 6% to 8% by simply lowering the condensing combi boiler’s heating flow temperature. As a result, it operates more effectively and may cut an average energy cost by about £200.

You must access the controls on the boiler’s front. To be clear, this controls the flow temperature for the boiler, not the thermostat in your room. The display information that is available and how the item adjusts the flow temperature will vary.
Another way to save money is to turn off the pre-heat option, which may cause hot water taps to heat up more slowly but might result in annual savings of hundreds of pounds.

Lower Your Energy Bills – Appliances

Because tumble dryers use a lot of energy, hang your clothes outside to dry on warm days and get a drying rack for the winter.

Reduce how often you use your washing machine by one run each week and use the 30-degree cycle. Use the eco settings and only run your dishwasher when it is completely full.

Don’t overfill the kettle; only boil what you require.

Lower Your Energy Bills – Refrigeration

Keep in mind that the more often you defrost your freezer and refrigerator, the less energy they will consume.

Running a full freezer is more cost-effective. Less power is required when the freezer is fully stocked because the cold air doesn’t need to circulate as much. Use water-filled plastic bottles that have been partially filled to fill in spaces if you have a lot of extra room. Fill the freezer with staples you’re sure to need, such sliced bread, milk, or frozen peas, advises BBC Good Food.


Turn your lights off when you’re not using them or when you leave a room.

Replacing all the lights in your home with LED bulbs could help you save even more.

Use Fans Sparingly

Fans, even when used on cooling settings, will send bills soaring. While you shouldn’t stop using them when necessary, there are ways of maximising their effect and cutting the time they are switched on.

Putting fans at floor level helps to circulate the lower cold air rather than the warmer air that naturally rises in a room. You can also create the ideal combination for energy saving by pairing smart fan usage with closed windows, keeping the fans working during the day and the windows open at night.


Insulation can save you a fortune. Many are reticent to spend the money when money is already short. But insulating your home properly is a sound investment. If you can afford to do it, then you will save money in the long-term. And it adds value to the property as it becomes more energy efficient.


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