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Save Money On Heating Bills

So winter draws in, as do the nights, now that the clocks have been put back an hour. And as the temperature dips, our energy bills will naturally rise. But there is plenty we can do to ensure our bills do not shoot up. We take another look at hoe to save money on heating bills.

Consider Servicing Of Equipment

You may feel it “dead” money to be paying for things like this, but it could save you plenty of money in the long term. By servicing a boiler, you ensure it operates more efficiently. And that saves you money. Many energy providers include servicing under their packages. If you have a boiler that is repeatedly breaking, it may simply be cheaper in the long run to replace it completely. 

Save Money On Heating Bills – Insulate

By insulating your home properly, you naturally save considerable amounts of money on your heating bills. This is because less heat escapes from the walls of your property. There are multiple schemes offered by the government to subsidise costs for those wishing to add insulation to their home.  You may be able to get a free boiler and/or insulation under the government’s new Green Homes Grant scheme. Homeowners in England on certain benefits can claim up to £10,000 in vouchers to cover the whole costs of energy efficiency improvements such as low-carbon heating systems, insulation or double glazing to replace single glazing.

Small Changes, Big Results

It is said by experts that turning down your thermostat by a single degree can reduce heating bills by as much as 10%! And let’s be honest, you should not notice a one degree drop in your heating temperature. 

Energy Saving Steps

There are a number of energy saving items that you can purchase right now that will save you money in the long term. The downside is they cost more right now to buy, but people need to see the wider picture. And appreciate the need to be kind to the environment. That goes beyond recycling tin cans. Energy saving light bulbs are an obvious starting point. They use a tenth of the energy of traditional light bulb and last longer too. 

Save Money On Heating Bills = Insulation Part 2

If talking about saving energy, then insulation is key once more. You can trap heat in your home by shutting off gaps under doors or in windows. Heavy curtains drawn will help. And only use energy where you need it. Don’t leave lights on in unoccupied rooms or heating on also. See if your TV has an energy saving mode whereby it shuts down when not in use rather than being on a permanent standby. Check other devices are not on standby too. Shower over a bath if possible, and just think more about the energy you use.

Don’t Keep Heating On

It seems this is one of those old wives tales that states that it actually cheaper to leave your heating on 24/7 rather than turning it off and on again all the time. Well apparently those that know about these things state that it is not true. So to keep your energy bills as low as possible, only put the heating no when you need it. 

Save Money On Heating Bills – Shop Around

Chances are, your current energy supplier is not the cheapest one.  We tend to stick to what we have energy wise, much like with bank accounts. But we shouldn’t. Shop around and see what is out there. You may be able to switch providers, save money and perhaps receive a financial inducement for doing so.

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