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What Having No Money Taught Me

As it has been for many people, the last few years have been tough for me. With that in mind, I wrote a few thoughts about what having no money taught me.

Spend Less!

I drastically trimmed the fat and expenses before quitting my job. Compared to my previous life, I now require far less money to support myself. The more things you own, the more money you’ll need to buy and maintain them.

Round The Corner

Every time I start to question how I’m going to make it through another month, something always happens to make things easier. I now know what it is to live by faith.

If you believe in a higher power, have faith that He will take care of you and that everything will work out. I’m always in awe at how this works. It really is motivating.

Friends Are There For You

I’ve had the good fortune to have loyal, dependable pals. They are aware of my financial situation, yet they haven’t fled. They remain my pals and are supportive of me. One of life’s greatest blessings is having friends who are like that.

Some of them have even treated me to something lovely when shopping or paid for a great dinner for me along the route (without my ever asking for any help).

But there are plenty of individuals in this shallow society who will desert you when you’re down and out. No buddies without money!
These are seasonal pals who only show up when things are going well. However, they are not there when there are dark clouds.
So, often when you are at your lowest ebb, you discover who your true friends are.

What Having No Money Taught Me – Reach Out

My biggest takeaway from this experience has been to learn to embrace what others have to offer. This has been the most challenging since, as a single, independent woman, I have always forged my own path in life and have never sought assistance from others, not even in trying circumstances.

Call it independence, or pride, or both. I don’t like it when someone pays for me. I’m tempted to say no.

I’ve learned how to accept and swallow my pride. Refusing a present, financial aid, or support not only prevents you from receiving a magnificent gift or much-needed assistance, but it also prevents the giver from experiencing the joy of giving while also rejecting their care and love for you.

What Having No Money Taught Me – Belief In Change

Losing a job, losing your source of income, losing your home, losing your assets, and finding it difficult to put food on the table and pay your expenses are all consequences of going through a rough financial patch. Unfortunately, just because you lack money does not mean that life ends.

Some people have lost everything and have had to move in with family members, go to a shelter for the homeless, or, in the worst case situation, live in their cars. The day continued, the sun still rose, and life went on as usual.

Make no mistake, it’s difficult and unpleasant. But life continued in some way. They eventually found employment, moved into a new apartment, and rebuilt their lives.

Life Is Not A Competition

A rough moment is nothing to be ashamed of. Anyone can experience it. Remember that money is a moving target. It arrives today and departs tomorrow.

Similar to how it can disappear today but reappear tomorrow. The wheel revolves. Because money is something you can always have again, even the most catastrophic financial loss can be recovered from.

It may seem like the world has fallen apart when we experience financial setbacks, but it’s crucial to keep in mind that this too shall pass. It’s a drop in the life’s roller coaster, but it will rise again just like any other roller coaster.

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