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Create A Great Podcast

Today, podcasting is becoming increasingly popular. It’s reasonable to think that there is too much of it going on. But for you personally, sharing a passion of yours can be a terrific thing. So, if you’re interested in giving it a try, here are some pointers on how to create a great podcast.

Create A Great Podcast – Advance Planning

Never even consider producing a podcast before you are organised and prepared to regularly publish new episodes. You need to do your research, assemble your kit, choose your colleagues, themes, and distribution, among other things. Setting everything up is quite a task, but once the show is released, it will be well worth it! Things to think about include:


Make sure you have an external microphone; the Snowball series, which costs roughly £50, will do the trick. You need good audio if you want to succeed. I once listened to a fantastic podcast about TV that featured knowledgeable guests and thought-provoking material. But I quickly gave up since the audio quality was just too bad. Additionally, you require a nice set of headphones, ideally without a microphone on the lead. You can prevent echo on the recording by using headphones.

Select Your Software

There are many choices, but you need software to edit your programme and submit it so that listeners may access your content. I use the free Audacity programme to edit files because I use Windows. But as my show has gotten bigger, we’ve begun to spend money on editing software. Because Cleanfeed has great quality and is simple to use, we use it to record the actual show. Just a PC, a Chrome browser, and headphones are required. To process the audio clip and eliminate anomalies like people speaking at different volumes and some background noise, I use Auphonic. You are billed by the amount of recording time used on this website.

Create A Great Podcast – Contributors

Naturally, you must choose a subject that you are enthusiastic about and select if you want to host a podcast by yourself or with friends or coworkers. The finest podcasts, in my opinion—and this is purely subjective—have numerous participants. Additionally, mix up your guests to keep things interesting. However, it is up to you to decide.

A Quiet Place

Very significant. By choosing a calm location, you can reduce any tension that may arise throughout the editing process and produce a result that is of the highest possible quality for the client. You need to locate a location with minimal ambient noise. If other noises annoy your listeners, they will soon stop listening to your podcast.


Making the greatest podcast ever serves no purpose if no one is aware of it. Consider your product’s marketing strategy before you start. You require a social media following and the capacity to promote your shows. Recruit your personal network to share your social media posts. You might even think about spending some money to gain awareness.

Strive For Improvements

If you have never recorded a podcast before, it is ideal that you be ready to go when you start. How to record a podcast that sounds professional and as excellent as possible will be covered in more detail in our following post.

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