| Short term loans

Do Consolidation Loans Hurt Your Credit Score?

Consolidating debts into one payment and paying as agreed can help your credit and make budgeting easier – but there are risks as well. Consolidating your debt can lower your monthly payments, but it can also cause a temporary dip in your credit score. Two common debt consolidation approaches include getting a debt consolidation loan […]

The Disadvantages Of Consolidation Loans

In our previous article, we took a look at the advantages of consolidation loans. But we do not want to give off the impression that these loans can only be good. All borrowing comes with pros and cons. So we also take a look at the disadvantages of consolidation loans. Disadvantages Of Consolidation Loans – […]

The Advantages Of Consolidation Loans

You may see a lot of mentions of consolidation loans when you look on finance sites. It is a common term, and a common reason to borrow. So we thought it a good idea to look at the advantages of consolidation loans. What Are Consolidation Loans? Consolidation loans serve a specific purpose. Essentially, they do […]

debt consolidation loans

3 Reasons to Consider a Debt Consolidation Loan

Debt consolidation is something that really took off following the start of the financial crisis in 2008. Prior to that time, the debt consolidation loan was something used only by a small number of consumers who found themselves over their heads in debt. But with the financial crisis came bigger debt problems. Problems caused by […]

Stack of bills

Should Debts Be Consolidated?

Britons have never been more in debt than right now, and many if not most of us hold debts in various forms. This could be from mortgages to loans, from credit cards to overdrafts. For many of us, it is hard to keep track when holding various debts in various formats. This is where debt […]

